…is a wealth secret that the world’s richest dynasties — including the Medici and the Rothschilds — have used to invest successfully…grow their fortunes…and prosper on a grand scale…
And it’s still working today. (In fact, I used it to give my subscribers the chance to double their money in just 34 days in July — and anyone who joined me in early September could have made 51% in just seven days.)
And this coming Monday, I’m sharing a critical update to my original workshop — to show you how I achieved results like these.
Join me, and you’ll walk away with a LIVE trade recommendation you can use right away — free of charge. Register below to secure your place now.
The Medici 2020 Trading Event
11am, Monday, 5th October
Online — desktop, tablet or phone
Group Publisher James Woodburn, Host Callum Newman.
How much:
FREE (registration required)
Please read our Terms & Conditions.
We will collect and handle your personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy
Dear Fellow Trader,
What if the secret to making more money on your next trade didn’t involve technical charts, complex algorithms or fundamental analysis…
…but something so simple and powerful that many of the world’s richest families have used it for centuries to prosper — and are still using it today?
My name is Callum Newman. And on Monday, I’m hosting a free trading workshop dedicated entirely to this approach.
It’s called The Medici 2020 Trading Event — October Edition.
Join me, and I’ll show you how to take advantage of this trading secret…right away…with potentially amazing results.
I’ll even give you a LIVE trading recommendation, so you can try it yourself.
You’ll see precisely how this trading secret works…and why it’s been so enduringly valuable…
Most importantly of all: You’ll see why I believe it could be the perfect way of trading ASX-listed stocks — particularly in today’s volatile markets.
I’ll walk you through how I used it to make 15% in eight days, or 40% in 16 days, or even 150% in 34 days…
And you’ll see how the last time I did this — in early September — the free trade I gave away rose 51% in just seven days.
You should be.
Because believe me: This can be so lucrative (and exhilarating!) that — once you understand it — you’ll be itching to try it out yourself.
And you’ll be in good company…
According to documents recently discovered in the family vault in Florence — previously undiscovered for four centuries — this idea helped the House of Medici rise from obscurity to become one of Europe’s most powerful families. One professor of Renaissance studies dubbed it ‘lucrative and powerful’.
It certainly was. Four of the Medici family became popes…and two others became the queen of France. Not only that, their patronage of artists — like Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo and Botticelli — made Florence the Renaissance capital of the world.
And the Medici weren’t the only family to use it…
You’ve likely heard of the Rothschilds before. They’re one of the richest dynasties in human history. The very word ‘Rothschild’ is a byword for wealth and power.
And they knew the power of this trading secret. In fact, it helped Nathan Rothschild make a fortune in just a few days in the summer of 1815. The Rothschild family were already one of the richest dynasties in the world. Yet within a year — thanks to this trade — their net worth had doubled.
In fact, the family became so wealthy that it’s almost impossible for us to imagine today. As Niall Ferguson put it, ‘For a contemporary equivalent, one has to imagine a merger between Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, J P Morgan and probably Goldman Sachs too — as well, perhaps, as the International Monetary Fund, given the nineteen-century Rothschild’s role in stabilizing the finances of numerous governments.’
When Rothschild died, his great rivals, the Baring family, said that ‘he is in money and funds what Bonaparte was in war.’
Then you have Jakob Fugger — dubbed ‘the richest man ever to have lived’. Fugger was born a commoner — but became banker to kings, popes and emperors. According to MarketWatch, he used this approach‘to find out about market-moving events before others’.
Bloomberg called it ‘the dirty little secret of finance… it’s key to the way traders make their profits’.
So, what IS the secret?
That’s what I want to show you at The Medici 2020 Trading Event — October Edition on Monday, 5 October.
Because here’s the thing: It’s not just the rich and powerful who use this to make money.
I can’t show you how to become as rich as a Rothschild or a Medici. Of course not. And there can never be any guarantees of success. But I CAN show you how I’m using the same principle that underpinned much of their success to trade the markets right now.
I’ve been using it with some great results for my subscribers. A few months back, I used it to help my subscribers make 60% in one trading day on one ASX-listed share (we banked the gain that day!).
And as I said, the last time I went on camera like this, you could have made 51% in seven days from the trade I shared.
Not only that, I’ve shown hundreds of regular Australian traders how to use it…often with incredible success.
As one trader who follows my work put it, ‘DRO made 60%; OBM made 30% in 11 days; FZO made 38% in 16 days. Just wish I had invested larger amounts.’
And another wrote in to tell me he’d ‘collected just over $4,000’ on one trade.
The best part?
Which is likely why the world’s rich and powerful have favoured it…and why it’s endured for so long.
It doesn’t involve technical charts or complex algorithms…
It doesn’t involve company fundamentals related to valuation, cash flow or earnings (or anything you’ll find on a balance sheet).
And it doesn’t involve understanding some big-picture ‘megatrend’ that has everyone frothing at the mouth.
It’s a hell of a lot simpler than any of that.
That’s why I’m inviting you to join me on Monday. It’s free to register. Join me and you’ll discover:
You’ll discover all that — and more…
But if you want to join me, you need to register in advance. It won’t cost you a cent. And I guarantee you’ll learn something that’ll impact how you trade the markets going forward.
Just one word of warning:
The Medici 2020 Trading Event — October Edition kicks off at 11am sharp on Monday (5 October).
So I need to know you’re interested in this BEFORE that cut-off. And if you want to get that LIVE trade recommendation — which is free, remember — you need to be with me and publisher James Woodburn on Monday.
The Medici 2020 Trading Event
11am, Monday, 5th October
Online — desktop, tablet or phone
Group Publisher James Woodburn, Host Callum Newman.
How much:
FREE (registration required)
Please read our Terms & Conditions.
We will collect and handle your personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy
See you 11am sharp on Monday!
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Callum Newman,
Host, Medici 2020 Trading Event — October Edition
The Medici 2020 Trading Event
11am, Monday, 5th October
Online — desktop, tablet or phone
Group Publisher James Woodburn, Host Callum Newman.
How much:
FREE (registration required)
Please read our Terms & Conditions.
We will collect and handle your personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy